
Overview of the Chinese New Year Festival

The Chinese New Year Festival is a fifteen-day celebration that holds special meaning and traditions for each day. This festival is not only celebrated in the Chinese community but also in wider Asian communities. The way the Chinese New Year Festival is called and celebrated may vary across different Asian countries depending on their culture and history. While some countries may refer to it as the Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, others may use different names for the celebration. Despite these differences, the festival is generally celebrated around the same time and involves similar traditions and customs.

Christchurch Lantern Festival was a great example of how festivals can bring people together to celebrate cultural diversity and look forward to the future. As the pandemic subsides and the border reopens, it will be more important than ever to have a variety of festivals and events to encourage face-to-face communication and understanding between different communities.

Therefore, the Chinese Advisory Group has decided to host an event during the Chinese New Year period to involve all other ethnic groups and locals, to celebrate the festival together. In addition to promoting cultural exchange and understanding, the Chinese New Year Festival can also be a great opportunity to support local businesses and promote economic growth. The festival can attract a large number of visitors, both local and overseas, who will be interested in exploring the different activities and events on offer. This can create opportunities for local businesses to showcase their products and services and attract new customers.

Moreover, the festival can also help to promote tourism in Christchurch. Many visitors come to Christchurch to experience the unique and diverse cultural offerings, and the Chinese New Year Festival can be an excellent opportunity to showcase the city’s cultural richness. The festival can also help to create a positive image of Christchurch as a vibrant and inclusive city, which can attract more visitors and investors to the region.

The program of the celebration event consists of two parts: the Chinese New Year (CNY) outdoor celebration and a business forum. The CNY outdoor celebration will feature a range of activities, including lantern displays, music performances, food vendors, and Chinese traditional games/arts. Collaborations between local and Chinese artists will create a unique and diverse cultural experience for attendees. Demonstrating traditional Chinese games and arts can also be an interactive way to engage with visitors and help them learn more about Chinese culture. Food vendors will offer traditional food and drinks from both local and Chinese cuisines, providing a taste of the rich cultural diversity that exists within the Christchurch community.

The business forum is an excellent opportunity for local and overseas businesses and investors to come together and catch up with the latest developments in their respective industries. This forum will help promote investment and economic growth in Christchurch, and provide a platform for businesses to connect and collaborate with one another. The forum will also provide valuable insights

Chinese Advisory Group


into the Chinese market and help local businesses to expand their reach and explore new opportunities.

Overall, the Chinese New Year Festival is a significant event that can bring people from different communities together to celebrate diversity, promote understanding and appreciation of different cultures, support local businesses, and promote Christchurch economic growth. By embracing cultural diversity and promoting social harmony, Christchurch can continue to thrive as a vibrant and inclusive city.

Leader Organisation

Christchurch Chinese Advisory Group


The Christchurch Chinese Advisory Group (CAG) is a collective of influential leaders within the Chinese community in Canterbury. With their diverse skill set and experience, the group aims to act as a mediator between the Chinese community and other communities and advocate for their interests at both the local and central government levels.

The group has established strong ties with the governments of New Zealand and China and has undertaken various social welfare, cultural, and charitable activities. These initiatives have been well- received by the community and recognized by various institutions, including the Ministry for Ethnic Communities, Christchurch City Council, Canterbury District Health Board, and other government organizations.

Through their efforts, the Chinese Advisory Group seeks to promote greater understanding and collaboration between the Chinese community and other communities in Canterbury. Their dedication to fostering cultural exchange and social harmony is a valuable asset to the region, and their contributions are sure to have a lasting impact on the community.

The member organisations are:

  • Christchurch Guangdong Association Inc
  • Chinese Culture Association (NZ) Inc
  • China-New Zealand International Cultural and Art Exchange Association Inc
  • Canton Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand
  • Loan Market Agile
  • New Zealand Shaan xi General Association of Commerce Inc
  • New Zealand Chinese Hubei Association Inc
  • New Zealand Charitable Association Inc
  • New Zealand China Friendship Society Christchurch Branch
Participating Organisations

Beyond & Moonlight Dance Studio

Christchurch China Sister City Committee

Christchurch Chinese Women’s Association

Fusion Dance Studio – Fusion girl

GDCHCH Media ltd

Canterbury Malaysian Society Incorporated

Global Federation of Chinese Business Women

Christchurch Harcourts Gold Team Mark Wang

New Zealand Chinese Association Canterbury Inc

New Zealand Chinese Henan Association Inc

New Zealand Chinese International Student Association

New Zealand Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association Inc

New Zealand Sichuan-Chongqing Cooperative Foundation Inc

New Zealand Taiwanese Business Association (South Island)

New Zealand-China Society of Science, Technology and Education